Lifestyle & Finance

Explore the local real estate market across various cities and learn tips and tricks for managing your personal finances. Learn about a variety of topics including budgeting, saving up to buy a home, and available resources in your area.

Lifestyle & Finance

Explore the local real estate market across various cities and learn tips and tricks for managing your personal finances. Learn about a variety of topics including budgeting, saving up to buy a home, and available resources in your area.

Lifestyle & Finance

Explore the local real estate market across various cities and learn tips and tricks for managing your personal finances. Learn about a variety of topics including budgeting, saving up to buy a home, and available resources in your area.

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We Are in the Business of Relationships, Not Just Real Estate
ashley-cantley   Ashley Cantley   •  May 28, 2024

The journey of finding a home is about more than just the physical structures—it's about the people, the connections, and the communities th...

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The Ultimate Surprise: A Love Story Cemented in Bricks and Mortar
ashley-cantley   Ashley Cantley   •  November 12, 2023

When it comes to grand romantic gestures, we've heard tales of surprise vacations, unexpected proposals, and secret wedding plans. But a surprise home? That'...

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A Seamless Journey with NAF Homes and the Payoff of a Good Real Estate Agent
ashley-cantley   Ashley Cantley   •  November 11, 2023

Homebuying can be stressful and uncertain, especially when trying to find not just a house, but a true home. But with the right support, like what you can get from N...

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An Inspiring Homebuying Journey
ashley-cantley   Ashley Cantley   •  November 10, 2023

Buying a home is a journey often with unexpected twists and turns. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure book where the stakes are re...

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Navigating the Perfect Move: A Client's Journey with NAF Homes
ashley-cantley   Ashley Cantley   •  November 9, 2023

Moving homes is no small feat. It's a trek that requires foresight, patience, and a little luck. But what if...

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The Community Responsible for Cleveland Green Renaissance
ashley-cantley   Ashley Cantley   •  November 8, 2023

Nestled in the Heart of the bustling Cleveland-Elyria is a small group responsible for the green renaissance. They're called the Heights Tree People, and they re...

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